All proceeds go directly towards funding arts, advocacy, research, and administrative expenses. This includes but is not limited to meetings with representatives of institutions who want to improve their methods of engagement with grassroots community, and supporting the marketing of our research and methods. These funds also support sending the BAO team to attend forums and conversations, and supporting our ability to pay community members for their insight.
The Boston Compass is an 8-page free newspaper distributed monthly to over 300 community spaces across the Greater Boston Area. With approximately 3-6k issues printed monthly, each issue serves primarily as a directory of curated music, art, and film events, as well as community resources and actions for advocacy. By focusing on non-commercial and under-represented artists and organizations in our community, it aims to uplift the voices of those often left behind by capitalist ideals and authority.

Our Mission
The mission of Brain Arts Org is to uplift grassroots organizations and undervalued communities* by developing and implementing equitable models of engagement within the arts & culture sector.
*We define undervalued communities as: BIPOC, POC, LGBTQIA+, Disabled, Emerging, Experimental and Working-Class Artists

From October of 2017 to September of 2023 Brain Arts Org ran the Dorchester Art Project, a community arts center in the Fields Corner neighborhood of Dorchester. Through our equity models we made space affordable to working people and prioritized hyper-local community members. The space housed 15 private artist studios, a gallery exhibition space, a photo and video studio, and event space. Since signing the lease in 2018, It has always been the goal of BAO to transition leadership and ownership of DAP to Dorchester community members so we are very proud to say that as of September 2023 DAP is now run by a steering committee of native Bostonians.